Now since SOPHA has a drive in cyc wall, they have that lit with
the biggest softbox I think I
have ever actually seen. It is big enough to light a car front to back, and has something like 7 lights in side of it. Beautiful.
Well, I have found one bigger! And softer! And a joy to work with! Anyone want to guess ??
It is a FOG BANK!
Yes indeed. Fog. Which is a cloud at ground level.
I know you all think I have lost it, but read on:
I have been shooting lots of sports assignments over the past few days, and the weather here in New Englan has been nothing short of murky. But this, I feel, is an advantage. The sun goes down around 4:30 which requires the lights at the fields to be the primary source of illumination for the soccer or football games. Now invariably there are areas of the field that are unevenly illuminated. It is the nature of the beast.
So here is where the fog comes into play. The fog scatters the light around, and that softens it. But it also fills in some of the shadows, as all thouse photons bounce around. COOL EFFECT!
Here is a shot from Reading High School in Reading Mass during half time of last night's Football game. I realize there are no players on the field, but I am posting this to show the conditions.

Even the kids playing pickup football are fairly well lit.
And that is what takes your photos from snapshots to well crafted photos, see the light and where it does and doesn't go and use it to your advantage.
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