That's Woody right there offering a hand salute as the flag was going by.
But as great as it was to see him, it is hard not tho think about the family of Sgt Callahan, who lost a dad, a father, a son, and a friend, who was doing what he knew best - defending the freedom of the United States of America - yup - of you and me, and him and her and us an d them. All of us. Thank you Sgt Callahan, for giving your life, so that I may still enjoy mine.
I truly think my friend Bud said it most appropriately on his blog:
Seriously folks, you should take a brief moment away from your weekly trip to
Home Despot or Wally World, and reflect on what the day should be about -
remembering our fallen Soldiers.
And that is Soldiers with a capital "S".
I won't grandstand anymore than to say I honor our Veterans, and I hope
you do too.
I must agree with him, in every way possible.
So here are a few other photos from Woburn and Burlington's ceremonies. I hope you enjoy them, and I would, as always, enjoy hearing your thoughts and comments.
One of many of the flag bearers on the Woburn Common this morning.
This man was a POW in Korea for nearly two years.

The Burlington American Legion Rifle Squad fires a volley after Taps.

Woburn Police officer John Lally - ever the proud grandfather - showing off his new (3 weeks) grandson.